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Meal Planning

Check out the meal planning options for Flavorfull Catering Events and More.

Let's eat well and live healthy!

Flavorfull Meal Prepping Service offers delicious and healthy meals that are made with fresh ingredients. Our mission is to make it easy for you to get healthy meals without the hassle of having to spend time grocery shopping and cooking. We post new meals every week, so you’re always getting something new and exciting. With our meal plans, you can look forward to tasty and nutritious meals that will keep you feeling energized and healthy.


Fast Facts:

Meals are good in fridge for 5 days or in freezer for 3 weeks. 

Small Meals 4 oz protein, 3 oz starch, and a steamed vegetables. 

Reg Meal 6 oz protein, 4 oz starch, steamed vegetables


Check out our meal plans today!

It Pays to Eat Healthy!

5 Trays for $60  ||  7 Trays for $80  ||  10 Trays for $110  ||  15 Trays for $165


Snack Attack $5 Nuts, Cheese, and Fresh Fruit


Sample Menu 

Tso Chicken- Jasmine Rice, Broccoli and Chicken 

Chicken & Broccoli 

Meatloaf, Mash Potatoes and Carrots 

Salmon Burger with Sweet Potato Fries 

Steak Squash and Sweet Potato 


Proteins Available

Beef Flank 

Steak Bites 

Beef and Chicken Meatballs 


Chicken Breast 

Chicken Thighs 

Chicken Tenderloins

Turkey Burger 




Salmon Burger

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